The full text of our 2024 Tentative Agreement (TA) is now available for review. Thank you for your patience while we ensured the full document was formatted correctly.
Management is anticipating they will need an additional week to complete a “final final” review. In the meantime, we are publishing this version, which may be considered a final draft until both parties officially sign off. AFA and management have been through the TA numerous times now, so we do not anticipate there to be any further substantive changes.
Click here for the full text of the 2024 Tentative Agreement >
TA Language Color Key:
- Blue underline: New language
Red strikethrough: Deleted language- Green underline: Moved language within the same section
Changes From Previous Version (published July 15)
- Section 5 [Definitions]
- Section 8 [Hours of Service]
- Section 9 [Premium Open Time…]
- Section 10 [Scheduling]
- Section 11 [Reserve]
- Section 3.E. [Non-Revenue Generating (14 CFR Part 191) Flights]:
Updated language to reflect that volunteer flights are compensated at the charter rate of two times (2.0x) the trip rate (cross referenced in Section 33.C.1. [Charter Compensation]) and scheduled pursuant to Section 33 Charters. - Section 12.G.4. [Sequence Interruption Point…]:
This paragraph, which was incorporated from the addendum, is outdated and unnecessarily confusing. Flight Attendants who pick up a SIP (“the relief Flight Attendant”) who are absent for any reason are replaced by Crew Scheduling, and the Flight Attendant who SIPs the trip is not required to wait for the relief Flight Attendant. - Section 21:
- 21.A.2. [Step Rates…]:
In the Boarding Pay disclaimer below the table (lines 21-22), the following sentence was deleted: “Boarding Pay is calculated by taking a Flight Attendant’s current Step Base Rate of pay and multiplying it by 0.42TFP per boarding as defined in A.2., above.” The remainder of the disclaimer is correct. - 21.C.2. [Longevity Premium]:
In the Boarding Pay disclaimer below the table (lines 58-59), the following sentence was deleted: “Boarding Pay is calculated by taking a Flight Attendant’s current Base Step Rate of pay and multiplying it by 0.42 TFP per boarding as defined in A.2., above.” The remainder of the disclaimer is correct. - 21.H.3. [Holiday Premium]:
Updated “Holiday RON Premium” examples from old “Pay Detail” to current “Rainmaker” format.
- 21.A.2. [Step Rates…]:
- Section 32.I. [Verification of State Sick Leave Absences]:
- 32.I.2.a.:
- Corrected citations from 16.B.5.a.-c. to 16.B.3.a.-c.
- Revised “not from a healthcare provider” to “note from a healthcare provider” (misspelling of “note”)
- 32.I.2.b.:
- Corrected citations from 16.B.5.d.-j. to 16.B.3.d.-j.
- 32.I.2.a.:
- Section 33.C.1. [Charter Compensation]:
Updated language to reflect that 14 CFR Part 191 flights (non-revenue generating) are also compensated at the charter rate of two times (2.0x) the trip rate.
In-Person Roadshows
Our in-person roadshows begin this week, after the virtual roadshows from last week. The Negotiating Committee will also schedule an additional Q&A session after the in-person roadshows are complete – more details soon. Visit the TA Roadshow page and register for an in-person session.
TA Resources
Recordings of the virtual roadshow and Q&A portion are available here. We also started compiling the Tentative Agreement FAQs and will continue uploading more throughout the next few weeks. In addition, the following resources are available:
- 2024 Tentative Agreement (full text)
- TA Summary Booklet
- TA Comprehensive Summary
- Tentative Agreement FAQs
Virtual Roadshow Recordings (presentation and Q&A)
Provision Explanations
- Boarding Pay
- Retro Pay
- Insurance Premiums
- Stepping Through Pay Scale
- Sick Leave & Attendance
- Straight Pay Rate Increases
- Productivity Premium Program (coming soon)
- Contactability (coming soon)