What Do They Do?
The Negotiating Committee works to negotiate and institute the needs and desires of our Flight Attendants into an effective collective bargaining agreement (CBA).
The Committee, with the advice of the Staff Negotiator has the authority to conclude an agreement, subject to the provisions of Article XII of the AFA Constitution and Bylaws.
Duties & Responsibilities
This list is a summarized version of the Negotiating Committee duties and responsibilities outlined in Section VI.A.2 of the AFA International Policy Manual and Article VII.L of the MEC Policy & Procedure Manual.
Negotiations Preparation & Training
- Update with previous Negotiating Committee Members and review history of negotiations on the property
- Attend training prior to writing the Opening Proposal
- Assess the priorities and needs of the Members
- Meet with MEC Committee Chairpersons
- Gather information for and write the survey
- Review grievances, arbitrations, and mediation settlements
- Utilize AFA facilities and resources and the experience and knowledge of AFA Officers, International Office staff and AFA study committees (e.g., Legal, Retirement and Insurance, Wage and Working Conditions, etc.)
- Establish goals and translate them into the Opening Proposal. Prepare the Opening Proposal with the advice of the Staff Negotiator.
- Communicate objectives to the MEC as part of the presentation of the Opening Proposal
- Communicate objectives to the Members through the Roadshow Opening Proposal presentation
- Determine individual responsibilities within the Negotiating Committee
- Provide information to and take direction from the MEC
- Be familiar with AFA policy and keep informed about new developments in the industry
- Keep the Members and the MEC informed in a timely fashion throughout the bargaining using established communications platforms
- Maintain contact, through the MEC President, with IAM, ALPA, TWU, AMFA, and other applicable labor unions on property
- Work to continuously understand the wishes of the flight attendant group with respect to wages, working conditions, and work rules. Utilize established feedback channels such as surveys, listening tours, town hall meetings, feedback forms, and other platforms as determined by the MEC.
Documentation & Recordkeeping
- Maintain a current record of the:
- Financial condition of the company
- Management lines of authority and methods of communication
- Operations statistics and experiences of the airline which may be used in bargaining, grievances, litigation, etc.
- Maintain a complete record of the negotiations, including proposals, notes and communications. Collate notes, opener and proposal books for MEC and International Office files (all records are property of AFA).
Tentative Agreement (TA) Preparation, Presentation, & Implementation
- Review tentative agreement with the MEC
- Prepare membership summary package and Roadshow schedule
- Present the complete proposed agreement to the Members. Ensure that there are no missing or incomplete sections prior to distribution to the Members.
- Proof CBA language and agree with the Company on implementation and effective dates
- Proof the printed agreement and prepare CBA index
Contractual Interpretation
- Prepare CBA interpretations for new concepts
- Remain available as a resource for interpretations
Negotiating Committee FAQs
Who selects the Negotiating Committee?
Members of the Negotiating Committee are selected by a majority vote of voting members of the Master Executive Council (MEC)–the LEC Presidents. This is outlined in Section VI.A.1.a of the AFA International Policy Manual.
How long is the term of appointment for a Negotiating Committee Member?
The Negotiating Committee functions until a tentative agreement (TA) is reached and ratified by the Membership. The Committee remains active until the next Negotiating Committee is selected (generally nine months prior to the date the start of the next section 6 contract negotiations).*
*The Master Executive Council (MEC) may, by majority vote, replace a member of the Negotiating Committee at any time.
Do Negotiating Committee Members continue to have responsibilities after a TA is ratified?
After a TA is ratified, members of the Committee may continue to have responsibilities during the implementation process. They may also be called upon to provide historical background regarding the intent of contractual language as discussed during negotiations and testify before the System Board of Adjustment when contractual disputes occur. The Negotiating Committee remains active until they are replaced or a new Negotiating Committee is selected.
Where can I find the specific policy language regarding the Negotiating Committee?
AFA International Policy Manual
- Click here to access the AFA International website
- Follow the link marked AFA Constitution and Bylaws
- You’ll find section VI of the AFA International Policy Manual on page 91
MEC Policy & Procedure Manual
- Click here to access the AFA Alaska website
- Click the button marked Download the MEC Policy and Procedure Manual
- You’ll find article VII.L of the MEC Policy and Procedure Manual on page 42
Do we have any professional negotiators or attorneys on our Negotiating Committee?
Yes! AFA Senior Staff Negotiator Paula Mastrangelo is part of our Negotiating Committee and is an active participant at the bargaining table along with our Committee Members. Paula has over 25 years of experience as a Staff Negotiator at AFA and has helped negotiate multiple previous contracts both at Alaska and other airlines. You can read Paula's bio by clicking here.
In addition, the full resources of the AFA International Collective Bargaining Department and Legal Department are available to our Negotiating Committee and our MEC.