These tables only show the straight pay rate increases. They do not show or calculate pay increases as you move through the pay scale with seniority
Refer to “Stepping Through the Scale” to see your complete pay increase (DOR raises + seniority raises) over the life of the agreement
Boarding Pay, though not shown in these tables, increases overall pay by an additional 8% on average (range from 4.7% to 33.6% dependent on number of boardings per duty period)
Clyde Johnson says
Can we address the fact that red eyes are NOT paid accordingly. You work a 3 day red eye for 12.3 tfp so a jr line holder has to work more days because we are not guaranteed like our reserves 5-6 tfp per day. There also should be a bump in hourly for working a red eye flight as it’s more work than the daytime flights. There’s no pay protection if WE waive to work more but CS can take us down to min rest when they want to. This contract needs more legs to stand on. The insurance percentage is not worth it. ACA has better coverage than we do. Threres no mention of delays as currently we dont get paid and what should’ve been a 6-8 hour day goes to a 13-15 hour day at times and 1 tfp for that doesn’t seem right. I think the resounding voice of ALL of us is PAY US FOR OUR TIME. We take verbal abuse from passengers for EVERY delay and we’re not compensated for it. However, we are expected to sit there and wait for repairs to be done for FREE..This is but some of the things that I would like addressed in this contract. It’s taken 10 years to get to this point so we can wait a lil more…