Voting Timeline
Date | Event |
Thursday February 6 | Ballots mailed to home address on file with the company in Peoplesoft |
Tuesday February 11 | Polls open/voting begins @ 9 AM PT |
Friday February 28 | Polls close/voting ends @ 12 PM PT |
It is extremely important for all eligible Members to vote! For your information, a non-vote does not count one way or the other.
- Remember, once your vote is cast, you cannot change it. Get all of your questions answered before you cast your vote.
- If you need a new activation code, you can request one at afacwa.org/elections.
- For technical assistance, you can call the Ballot Help Line at (844) 232-2228, extension 2. The Ballot Help Line is open weekdays (Monday-Friday) from 9:30 AM to 5 PM ET.
Voting Instructions
As with the LEC officer elections, Flight Attendants will receive a ballot packet containing the voting instructions including a 16-digit activation code and the voting guide. These will be mailed from the mail house in Maryland on the date on indicated above. The activation code is specific to each Member therefore new instruction or voting guides will not and cannot be mailed.
If a Flight Attendant does not receive their ballot packet by the time voting begins, they should request one online at afacwa.org/elections. A new activation code with instructions will be emailed from the voting system directly to the Member.
A Flight Attendant must be an active member in good standing to be eligible to vote
Am I Eligible To Cast a Ballot in the TA Vote?
Eligibility to vote will be determined prior to the ballot mailing. This TA Summary booklet and balloting instructions will be provided to all Members eligible to vote, including Members who have the opportunity to become eligible during the voting process.
All active AFA Members in good standing (dues current, active AFA Member) are eligible to vote. Members ineligible due to non-payment of dues will be notified when attempting to vote and directed to the AFA Membership Department to become current in order to vote.
Inactive Members (Unpaid Leaves of Absence of more than 3 months, etc.) may choose to “leave and remain active” to continue payment of dues during the leave in order to be eligible to vote. Contact the AFA Ballot Help Line at (844) 232-2228, extension 2, to complete the process to “leave and remain active.”
Example 1: A Flight Attendant is on an unpaid leave as of 01/01/2025. Their 3 month dues obligation is January, February, and March. This person is eligible to vote without any issues.
Example 2: A Flight Attendant is on an unpaid leave of absence as of 09/01/2024. Their 3 month dues obligation is September, October, and November. This person is not eligible to vote unless they contact Membership Services and pay their dues through and including February 2025. [AFA C&B Article II C.1.b(3)].
New Flight Attendants
New Flight Attendants who are scheduled to become a dues paying AFA Member (at least four months of flying for Alaska) before the ballot closes will be able to vote during the entire period the ballot is open.
Flight Attendants who have been here fewer than four months are not eligible to vote. We encourage Flight Attendants in this situation to remain informed, ask questions and participate in our Union. This is about the future of all Alaska Flight Attendants.
Good Standing
If a Flight Attendant is delinquent in paying their dues they are not eligible to cast a vote. These Flight Attendants will receive the voting instructions with an activation code, however they will not be able to cast a vote until they settle their account. These individuals must contact AFA Membership Services.
A Flight Attendant must be a member to cast a vote. Non-members or agency fee payers are not eligible to vote. However, they will receive the voting instructions with a 16-digit activation code. These non-members can make themselves active by completing a membership application. These individual must contact AFA Membership Services. In order to be eligible to vote, your membership application must be received by AFA Membership Services prior to the polls closing.
If you would like to verify your membership status, please contact your Local Membership Committee.
Address For Mailing
AFA Membership Services will use your home address on file with the company in Peoplesoft as of January 30, 2025.