Q: Was the cap on ER conversion removed?
In the current language, the company can convert a Reserve to ER twice per bid month with no extra pay whether voluntary or involuntary. A Reserve may be involuntarily converted twice and paid straight time. If they are involuntarily converted a third time, they will receive 2.0x and they may not be involuntarily converted to ER for the remainder of the month. If a Reserve volunteers for additional ER conversions after the first 2, they are paid 1.5x rate for each subsequent conversion with no cap. If the 3rd ER conversion is involuntary, they are paid 2x rate.
In the new language, all ER conversions — including those who volunteer for conversions — are paid 2x rate for the converted duty period (i.e., there is no difference in voluntary/involuntary conversions for the purposes of pay). There is no longer a cap on involuntary conversions.
Some Flight Attendants have expressed concern about the removal of the cap on involuntary ER conversions, thinking that this will lead to more conversions than today. While there is no longer a cap on all conversions (because there is no difference in voluntary/involuntary), the Flight Attendant receives significantly more pay for every ER conversion — and therefore it is significantly more expensive for the Company to convert a Reserve. In July 2024, only 3.5% of Reserves were involuntarily converted 3 times (i.e., met the involuntary cap) despite the fact that the first two ER conversions are currently paid at straight time.
If the TA is ratified, this change should lead to the Company converting less to save on the expense. Additionally, some Reserves may also volunteer more often for ER conversion to receive extra pay, which may lead to less ‘involuntary’ conversions.