Q: Do AS pilots have two sick banks to comply with state law?
No, the AS pilots only have one sick leave bank.
Our best assessment, based on not being lawyers/representatives of either AS or ALPA, is the single bank for pilots hinges on several factors:
- AS pilots are paid in block hours, and there is case law about how pay is accrued/protections for minimum wage in other states specific to block. We believe there is reliance on case law and pilot pay rates (which are significantly higher than Flight Attendants).
- We don’t think there are concerns that pilots would bring forward issues of their sick leave not being compensated correctly.
- Pilots do not typically receive discipline for absences. While it theoretically could happen, they do not have a point system and in practice do not receive discipline.
- Pilots do not have the same recent legal disputes the industry has seen from Flight Attendants – minimum wage, overtime, pay timing, meal and rest breaks, or sick leave.
- Pilots accrue sick leave at a much lower rate (5:30 block hours per month regardless of amount of flying).
- The Company likely does not see the same liability for pilot sick leave, and has not yet felt the need to negotiate those provisions based on pay rates, sick leave patterns, attendance policy, etc.