Last week, our Master Executive Council voted unanimously to release TA2 for membership ratification. The final text and supporting documents are available on the contract website and the following video resources were added today (and published on social media):
- Compensation
- Productivity Premium Program
- Market Rate Adjustment
- Management Immersion
- Scheduling Provisions
- Contactability
- Extended Reserve
- General Provisions
- Insurance Premiums
- Sick Leave & Attendance
The TA2 Roadshow video will be published later this week, and the Negotiating Committee will host four Virtual Q&A Sessions before the vote opens. The Mobilization Committee and Mobilization Volunteers will host Base Sits during the voting period.
TA2 Timeline
2/1 9 AM PT | Virtual Q&A |
2/3 9 AM PT | Virtual Q&A |
2/5 3 PM PT | Virtual Q&A |
2/7 3 PM PT | Virtual Q&A |
2/11 | Vote Opens, Base Sit Kickoff |
2/28 | Vote Closes, Results Published |
Please rely on your LEC Officers or Local Mobilization Committee Chairperson as official sources for TA2 information. Look for verified Mobilization Volunteer or LEC Officer profile pictures on social media, and magenta AFA Volunteer lanyards on the line, as these individuals can direct you to accurate TA2 resources.
In Solidarity,
AFA Alaska Negotiating Committee