Management has a long tradition of hosting summer events for company employees, family members, and friends. This year is no different; management sent an all-employee email earlier this week with information about this year’s “Summer of CARE” events. Many people have asked our Negotiating Committee about participating in these events.
We want to encourage you to attend those events, because management should CARE about us…and not just in the summer. We encourage everyone to attend these company activities and wear red to demonstrate our solidarity and remind management that we deserve better!
These summer activities provide an excellent opportunity to show management that we’re serious about a contract by turning them into RED HOT summer events! Upload your pictures from these events and post to social media. Include tags #AFAAlaska and #RedHotSummer so we can feature you!
Remember to wear your red AFA pin as well.
More details about each event can be found on Alaska’s World (AAG sign-on required). Spaces are limited, so register now and help us turn these events red!
Please get in touch with your LEC Officers or Local Mobilization Committee Chairperson if you have any questions.
Carole Scallon says
I would like clarification about company events and participation.
I am planning to volunteer for the Seafair Parade.. something I have done for many years. My plan is to wear as much “RED” as possible .. jewelry, hair clip etc . Is this I keeping with Union action/plan ?? IF not I will withdraw my name . In solidarity, Carole
Jeffrey Peterson (MEC President/Negotiating Committee Chairperson) says
Yes, AFA would greatly appreciate your support of our “red hot summer” effort by wearing as much red as possible to the Seafair parade. Your plan is definitely in keeping with our action plan. Thank you for asking the question, Carole!