Mobilization Volunteers and supporters in Anchorage during a 2014 informational picketing activity.
The strength of our Negotiating Committee is derived from the support all of our voices coming together as one. Only by standing together in solidarity will we achieve the best possible contract. In order to show our support and solidarity, everyone needs to be informed about what’s going on and involved in the process. That’s where Mobilization Volunteers come in.
Making Connections
Mobilization Volunteers play a critical role in the success of our Negotiating Committee. One of their most important responsibilities is to engage other Flight Attendants through one-on-one interactions to build support for our Negotiating Committee. During these personal interactions, Mobilization Volunteers share negotiations news, discuss key issues and gather feedback, show others how to access official information sources, and ask for support through participation in solidarity activities.
Amplifying Our Voices
Conversations with Mobilization Volunteers are two-way—not only do they communicate about what’s going on with negotiations, they also listen and gather feedback. The feedback they receive is shared directly with our Negotiating Committee through online comment reports and regular video meetings. Mobilization Volunteers also empower others to share thoughts and offer feedback directly to our Negotiating Committee by providing details about official communication channels.
Standing Up For Us
Whether it’s distributing negotiations promotional items, campaigning to draw attention to key issues, or participating in leafleting activities, Mobilization Volunteers lead the way by jumping in to take part in solidarity activities. They also actively encourage others to show their support by joining them in taking action. By supporting our Negotiating Committee through collective actions, Mobilization Volunteers help others to feel the power of solidarity.
Now Is The Time to Get Involved
It’s time to take action and show that we stand together. Sign up now to become a Mobilization Volunteer by completing an expression of interest form!
Mobilization Volunteers and supporters in front of Alaska Airlines Corporate Headquarters during a 2014 informational picketing activity.
You Want Us to Achieve a Good Contract
Good contracts require strong support of our Negotiating Committee from our entire work group. The stronger we stand, the stronger the contract.
You’re Not Afraid to Let Management Know That We Stand Together
When our voices are united in support of our Negotiating Committee, we send a loud message to management. When our actions are united in solidarity, the message is even louder.
You Want Management to Recognize Our Contributions
Of all the positions within the company, Flight Attendants have more direct interaction and spend the most time with our passengers. We have been told time and again by management that it is our people who make the difference and keep these passengers coming back.
Quality of Life Is Important to You
Being able to balance work and life is important to us. Together, we bargain for work rules and provisions that allow us to achieve this.
Mobilization Volunteer Duties & Responsibilities
Composition & Qualifications
Mobilization Volunteers share information and participate in solidarity activities conducted in support of the Negotiating Committee and assist in mobilizing other members of the Local Council.
Qualifications include:
- Good communication skills.
- Working knowledge of the current contract.
- Ability to participate in required Mobilization Volunteer conference calls.
- Willingness to participate in solidarity action including picketing, leafleting, and canvassing.
- Adherence to committee policies, procedures, and standards of ethical conduct.
- Maintenance of member-in-good-standing status.
- Willingness to do ongoing work on a volunteer basis.
Purpose & Scope
To provide support to the Negotiating Committee through coordinated solidarity activity and two-way communication between the membership and the committee. Volunteers will work closely with the Local Mobilization Committee Chairperson to call other members to action through participation in organized solidarity activities and a program of information sharing with Flight Attendants.
Specific Duties & Responsibilities
- Responsible for educating the membership and moving them to action. Provide information and support for targeted issues or specifically identified groups of Flight Attendants as defined by the Negotiating Committee.
- Further Flight Attendant understanding of key issues through active information sharing and referral to official sources of information.
- Dispel gossip, rumor, and inaccurate information regarding negotiations by directing Flight Attendants to official sources of information.
- Provide two-way communication of the needs and responses of the membership through feedback to the Local Mobilization Committee Chairperson and the Negotiating Committee.
- Actively participate in organized solidarity activities such as canvassing of membership at airports and crew rooms, informational leafleting or picketing before the general public, or other activities as approved by the Master Executive Council (MEC).
- Act as liaison between the membership and the Local Committee Chairperson. The Local Committee Chairperson will act as liaison between the Mobilization Volunteers and the Local Executive Council (LEC) Officers and MEC Committee Chairperson.
- Coordinate with the Local Committee Chairperson of the committee regarding all activities.
- Report to the LEC Officers on any discussion with management.
- Recommendations for change should be presented to the Local Committee Chairperson and/or LEC Officers in writing.