- Our Negotiating Committee met with management for the second negotiation session.
- Discussions continued and several Tentative Agreements were reached.
- The next negotiation session is next week, October 18-20.
Negotiations Update
This week, our Negotiating Committee and Mobilization Committee Chairperson met with management for the second session of negotiations. AFA Senior Staff Attorney Kimberley Chaput replaced AFA Senior Staff Negotiator Paula Mastrangelo at the table for this session. *Our NC is supported during this process by AFA International Collective Bargaining and Legal departments.
Progress continued this week with discussion and Tentative Agreement (TA) on several sections. Thus far, discussions have been fairly non-contentious with few complications. We expect progress will slow once we begin discussing sections such as Section 8: Hours of Service, Section 10: Scheduling, Section 11: Reserve, Section 21: Compensation, etc.
Watch the Session 2 Video Recap
Our Negotiating Committee will continue advocating for contractual improvements in future sessions. Be on the lookout for additional updates after each negotiation session concludes. The Negotiating Committee and management have agreed to an aggressive bargaining schedule, meeting twice per month, with our next scheduled session on October 18-20.
Tentative Agreements
During negotiations, proposals are exchanged on single sections and discussed between parties. When we agree on everything in a single section, we reach a TA on the section and set it aside with the ability to revisit if necessary. Here is an overview of Tentative Agreements:
TAs reached this session:
Section 17: Medical Examinations – clarified/incorporated current practice for Medical Examination disputes and pay protection
Section 18: Reduction in Force – incorporated addendum, clarified practice, reorganized section
Section 31: Savings Clause – strengthened language and process
Sections in discussion:
Section 6: Seniority
Section 13: Uniforms
Section 33: Charters
Section 34: Hotels
TAs reached in previous sessions:
Section 1: Non-Discrimination
Section 2: Purpose of Agreement
Section 7: Probationary Period
Section 20: Board of Adjustment
Section 24: General and Miscellaneous
Section 26: Association Security
Additional Information & Previous Updates
Opening Proposals | Negotiating Committee Blog | Contract 2022 Website
Negotiation Session Updates:
Session 1 Update | Session 1 Video
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Are we going to have specific language for irrops meaning a good definition of what AS is calling irrops?
Thanks for your time
Our apologies for the delayed response, Kim!
Yes, the NC is definitely intending to propose more specific irrops language, protections and pay.