- We tentatively agreed to Section 28: Domiciles, for a current total of 28 sections.
- Steady progress continues, with discussion ongoing on 9 sections.
- The next negotiation session is February 27 – March 1.
Negotiations Update
This week, our Negotiating Committee and Mobilization Committee Chairperson met with management for Negotiation Session 9. *Our Negotiating Committee is supported during this process by AFA International Collective Bargaining and Legal departments.
Tentative agreement was reached this week on Section 28: Domiciles (details below). We began discussing Section 16: Sick Leave/On the Job Injury. Significant progress was made in several sections, including Section 10: Scheduling and Section 11: Reserve. A few sections have been set aside until overall economic discussions, including Section 9: Junior Available and Premium Open Time and Section 14: Vacations.
Watch the Session 9 Recap Video
Listen to the Session 9 Recap Podcast
Our Negotiating Committee will continue advocating for contractual improvements in future sessions. Be on the lookout for additional updates after each negotiation session concludes. Our next scheduled session is February 27 – March 1.
Tentative Agreements
- Section 28: Domiciles – maintained coterminal provisions, moved all commuting language to new Section 37, incorporated addendum
Sections in Discussion
- Section 8: Hours of Service
- Section 9: Junior Available and Premium Open Time
- Section 10: Scheduling
- Section 11: Reserve
- Section 12: Exchanges of Sequences
- Section 14: Vacations
- Section 16: Sick Leave/On the Job Injury
- Section 36: Jumpseat and Pass Privileges (new)
- Section 37: Commuter Policy (new)
Additional Resources
Showing Solidarity
Continue supporting our efforts by staying informed and wearing your AFA pin while flying and at company functions (i.e., training, CARE Retreat). We are Stronger Together, Better Together.
I am currently wearing AFA pin. I saw some new hires had AFA bag tags. Are you distributing any of these in the crew room soon? I have not seen them anywhere. Any plans for more bold colored AFA pins during negotiations or lanyards? I just feel we need more solidarity in our work group and want to show the company we are unified and are serious about this contract. Pilots did a great job of this in their last contract.
Thank you for wearing the AFA pin, Carrie! I’m looking into the bag tag question, so please stand by on that.
With regarding to the “solidarity swag” (bold colored bag tags, pins, etc.), we are not planning to distribute those quite yet. Normally those come after there has been an escalation of mobilization actions. Keep in mind the pilots were in negotiations for around three years, while we have been in negotiations for just over six months — and bargaining has been going relatively smoothly so far. Once we hit a snag, then we’ll start looking at next steps.
Update: We’ve checked around, none of our officers or reps recall giving new hires AFA bag tags in recent memory. If you have more details, then we can try and chase down the specific circumstances.