- We tentatively agreed on Section 11: Reserve and the Instructor Handbook LOA, and we began discussing Section 5: Definitions.
- Progress continued on Sections 9: Junior Available and Premium Open Time, 10.R-S: Scheduling, 12: Exchange of Sequences, 14: Vacations, and 21: Compensation. The only section yet to be discussed is Section 35: Duration.
- The next negotiation session is June 20-22.
Negotiations Update
This week, our Negotiating Committee and Mobilization Committee Chairperson met with management for Negotiation Session 16. *Our Negotiating Committee is supported during this process by AFA International Collective Bargaining and Legal departments.
We agreed on Section 11: Reserve and a Letter of Agreement (LOA) for the Instructor Handbook. Discussion also began on Section 5: Definitions. We are close to agreement on Sections 9: Junior Available and Premium Open Time, 10.R-S: Scheduling, and 12: Exchange of Sequences. Discussion continued on Sections 14: Vacation, and 21: Compensation.
The Master Executive Council (MEC) will join us next week for Negotiation Session 17 to support the Negotiating Committee and help make hard decisions. The focus of our next session will be the overall economic package. This session is our final push to reach a full Agreement in Concept under our aggressive bargaining schedule. (Agreement in Concept is a Tentative Agreement (TA) pending MEC approval)
We have no additional sessions scheduled at this time. If a TA is not reached, both parties will reevaluate priorities. Management has repeatedly stated to the Negotiating Committee that their commitment to top of industry wage rates, a downline market review, and retro pay from December 2022, is contingent on reaching a TA within the aggressive bargaining schedule.
We will not agree to a contract solely to ensure we attain these commitments. Our goal is to achieve an industry leading contract – more comprehensive than just pay rates. We share your expectations of improving the entire contract, including MPRs/RIGs, vacation, reassignments, 480 requirements, “A” pay, and much more.
The Negotiations Dashboard has been updated to provide additional clarity and context for all sections agreed upon thus far. Our next scheduled session is June 20-22. Be on the lookout for additional updates and any applicable next steps next week.
Tentatively Agreed
Section 11: Reserve
- Clarified Reserve may be released on last day if no assignment after last flight
- If assigned APSB after last flight, paid 2x rate for APSB
- If assigned less than 3:00 hours prior to report, Reserve reimbursed:
- Parking close to terminal, or
- Round-trip taxi/rideshare
- Achieved “release to report”:
- Reserve may request to be released from contactability for a self-assignment that starts on the first day of reserve block
- Request and approval occur day prior
- Approval processed in seniority order amongst Reserves of same RAP and number of available days
- If approved, the Reserve is not required to be contactable, or in domicile, until scheduled report
- Reserve may not trade the assignment
- Reserve is responsible for new (later) report times due to delay or cancelation
- Reserve may request to be released from contactability for a self-assignment that starts on the first day of reserve block
- Reserve may self-assign APSB on 1st day of 6-, 5-, or 4-day blocks
- “Fly” preference no longer includes APSB assignments
- “4k” premium of 1.5x pay applies:
- For reserves who preference “4k”
- For reserves who self-assign a “4k” sequence
- For reserves who are assigned a “4k” sequence
- If APSB duty day exceeds 10:30, paid 1.5x trip rate for flights flown in duty period
- Paid reserve premium on APSB
- Clarified MPRs, Pay Protection, and SIT pay are included in Reserve Guarantee
- Holiday Premium is paid even if not used on holiday
- Low Time First Assign updated to Reserve Assignment List
- Removed ACARS as method of contact
- Incorporated addendum and SLOA
- Extended Reserve:
- ER reserves may self-assign APSB
- Tied to economic discussion:
- All conversions paid 2x rate for all TFP flown/credited or APSB during converted duty period (currently 1.5x rate for 3rd conversion only)
- 1 TFP paid 2x rate above guarantee if converted to ER and not used (currently 1x rate)
- ER Reserve paid 2x rate for APSB (currently 1x rate)
- Additional items tied to economic discussion:
- Paid above guarantee – ground/block delay, stranded pay, CBT, UB, CB (currently does not include ground/block delay, stranded pay, CBT)
- If assigned 2 duty periods in same calendar day, paid 1.5x rate for second duty period (currently 1x rate)
LOA: Flight Attendant Instructor Handbook
- Makes specific sections of the Flight Attendant Instructor Handbook contractual
- Outlines a revision process for the handbook
Newly Started
Section 5: Definitions
- Discussed updates to applicable definitions
In Discussion
Section 9: Junior Available and Premium Open Time
Section 10.R-S: Scheduling (section broken into three parts for discussion)
Section 12: Exchange of Sequences
Section 14: Vacations
Section 21: Compensation
Overall Economic Package
480/960 TFP Thresholds
Watch the Session 16 Recap Video
Listen to the Session 16 Podcast
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Daphne Clarkson says
I would like to see clarification/guidelines on how ER is used. Will the be used last, or first once converted.
Jeffrey Peterson (MEC President/Negotiating Committee Chairperson) says
I think there’s a missing word here — although I’m fairly sure you’re asking if the Reserve will be used last or first once converted. At the end of the day, the order of assignment depends on what order the converted Reserve falls within the Reserve Assignment List amongst other Reserves who have the same number of days of availability and call type (in this case ER). The order of assignment is not automatically first or last. Let me know if I misunderstood your question or if I didn’t answer it completely.