Q: Can you clarify insurance premiums in the Insurance Benefits tentative agreement?
The 2018-2021 Joint Collective Bargaining Agreement (JCBA) included a freeze on premiums at the 2019 rates until a new contract was negotiated and ratified. This means our workgroup has had frozen insurance premiums for five years (2018-2023). Currently, Flight Attendants pay just over 16.3% of the full cost of the insurance premium (based on the 2023 rates). Per the tentative agreement on §23 Insurance Benefits, communicated on 11/10/2022, that percentage will not change until 2024.
If a full Tentative Agreement is reached and ratified in 2023, insurance premiums will incrementally phase to 20% – the same percentage as all other non-management employee groups (including agents, ramp, pilots, etc.). Of course none of us want to pay more for health insurance, but the Negotiating Committee believes it is unrealistic for our premiums to remain frozen at levels below what other labor groups are paying. However, we did negotiate phased implementation of 18% in 2024 and 20% in 2025 to reasonably bring us up to parity with other groups.
The Negotiating Committee absolutely understands the expectation of healthy pay increases that will outpace healthcare premium increases — and high inflation. This negotiated increase in insurance premium percentages is contingent on securing significant pay increases, a position we made clear at the bargaining table.
Tracey Withrow says
I see you say this, “ the Negotiating Committee believes it is unrealistic for our premiums to remain frozen at levels below what other labor groups are paying.” Lately there has been a holiday chart going around. Is it true that all other workgroups get more holiday days than we do? When will we be able to match workgroups there?
Jeffrey Peterson (MEC President/Negotiating Committee Chairperson) says
You’re very likely referring to the 2023 Holidays (AAG SSO required) on Alaskasworld (AW -> Benefits/Pay -> Other Benefits: 2023 Holidays).
As you can see, it is true that other workgroups other than ALPA receive more holidays than we do. With their new contact, ALPA now receives holiday pay on Independence Day, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year’s Eve Day, and New Year’s Day.
In AFA’s opening proposal to management, the Negotiating Committee proposed to increase the number of holidays.
Josh Davis says
I transferred from 2 different work groups working AAG, and I have NEVER paid this much for insurance. The other two were $20 a month… now I’m paying $160? Doesn’t quite make sense to me
Jeffrey Peterson (MEC President/Negotiating Committee Chairperson) says
Which work groups and what was your coverage level? (Assuming it was employee only but please confirm.)
Victoria Adams says
Realistically unless we get a big % pay raise/tfp for all seniority levels an increase for insurance will be a pay cut. Until we have the information of what kind of pay increase we will get I think agreeing to an increase of any kind is disappointing. I am definitely working way more to cover basic cost of living now than 5 years ago and an increase for insurance will just mean more to work. i wish this had been agreed to after we know about a raise.