- A new red AFA luggage tag is being introduced today as another way to demonstrate our solidarity in the fight for our Contract.
- Flight Attendants who participate in today’s picketing will receive a bag tag at the end of the event. Later in the week, they’ll be available from Mobilization Volunteers in base.
- When you get your red bag tag, place it in a visible place on your luggage before your next trip.
Our Red Hot Summer campaign continues to crank up the heat on management and send a resounding message that we are united in our fight! We’re standing up for our rights and demanding a contract that acknowledges our hard work and contribution to Alaska Airlines’ success. Today, we’re also launching a new red AFA luggage tag to show our commitment to the fight for a contract is stronger than ever!
Every Flight Attendant who participates in today’s picketing will receive a red bag tag at the end of the event. Those who can’t attend can get one from a Mobilization Volunteer, who will be handing them out at our airport bases over the next week. Keep an eye on your email and Local Council social media channels for more information about when and where to find Mobilization Volunteers in your base.
Once you receive it, attach your red AFA bag tag to your luggage before your next trip. Place it in a spot that will be prominent and visible when carrying your bags. These luggage tags and our red AFA pins show management that we stand solidly behind our Negotiating Committee as they return to the bargaining table to achieve the contractual improvements we deserve.
Please get in touch with your LEC Officers or Local Mobilization Committee Chairperson if you have any questions.