- Our Negotiations Survey will launch next week! The survey will open on Wednesday, August 3rd and close on Friday, August 19th.
- It’s critically important that all Flight Attendants participate in the survey to ensure that everyone’s voice is heard.
- The survey will be sent out to all Flight Attendants using contact information on file with AFA. If your contact information has recently changed, make sure to update it as soon as possible so you’re able to receive your invitation to complete the survey.
Our Negotiating Committee takes their responsibility to ensure that the voice of every Flight Attendant is heard very seriously. That’s why it’s incredibly important for each of us to participate in the upcoming Negotiations Survey. The results of the survey are a critical component that will be used to create the opening proposal and guide our priorities at the bargaining table.
The Negotiations Survey provides all of us with an equal opportunity to make sure that our voices are heard. Our Negotiating Committee will read every comment and, as such, the survey is your direct line to share your thoughts and have your feedback included. Only by having every Flight Attendant participate in the survey can we ensure that our Negotiating Committee receives the best picture of what is important to us from contract negotiations.
Negotiations Survey Timeline
Date | Event |
Wednesday, August 3 | Survey email and link sent out Survey opens |
Friday, August 19 | Survey closes (12 PM Pacific time) |
ACTION REQUIRED: Update Your Contact Information Now
If you haven’t been receiving AFA Alaska emails, your email address may not be up-to-date with AFA. In order to make sure that you receive your Negotiations Survey email and link, now is the time to make sure that your contact information is accurate. Your Local Membership Committee can help to verify your email address on file and make any changes.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Survey links will not be sent to company (alaskaair.com) email addresses. If your email address on file with AFA is your company email address, please update it as soon as possible to ensure you receive your survey link.
Click here for Local Membership Committee contact information