- We tentatively agreed on Sections 10.T-FF: Scheduling, 30: Training, 36: Jumpseat and Pass Privileges, and 37: Commuter Policy, as well as several related LOAs.
- We began discussing Section 21: Compensation, including the comprehensive economic package. Progress continued on Sections 9: Junior Available and Premium Open Time, 11: Reserve. Of the remaining 8 sections, 5 are being discussed, 1 is currently tabled, and 2 remain undiscussed.
- The next negotiation session is June 13-15.
Negotiations Update
This week, our Negotiating Committee and Mobilization Committee Chairperson met with management for Negotiation Session 15. *Our Negotiating Committee is supported during this process by AFA International Collective Bargaining and Legal departments.
As mentioned in our previous update, significant progress was made this week. We were unable to tentatively agree on any sections during Session 13 or 14, but the progress made in those sessions lead to multiple tentative agreements this week. Review Part 1 for information on tentative agreements for Sections 16: Sick Leave/On the Job Injury and 32: Attendance Policy, and a related LOA.
In this update, we cover the remaining tentative agreements from this week: Sections 10.T-FF: Scheduling, 30: Training, 36: Jumpseat and Pass Privileges, and 37: Commuter Policy, as well as several related LOAs. We also began discussing Section 21: Compensation (including the overall economic package), and continued progress on Sections 9: Junior Available and Premium Open Time and 11: Reserve.
The Negotiating Committee will continue working on proposals and contractual improvements in future session. Be on the lookout for additional updates after each negotiation session concludes.
Our next scheduled session is June 13-15.
Tentatively Agreed
Section 10.T-FF: Scheduling
- Crew Scheduling will notify FA of the provision in CBA under which their sequence is being modified
- Personal drop window extended to 2pm day prior
- Reserves can revoke request for personal drop after start of RAP
- DHD provisions [§10.X.] tabled to discuss during economics
- AFA proposed several improvements to DHD provisions
- “4k” provisions [§10.DD.] tabled to discuss during economics
- AFA adamantly opposes increasing “4k” distance
- Incorporated Addendum, Labor Memo, Settlement
Section 30: Training
- Hotel reimbursement for required training in domicile for up to $200 per night if address in Peoplesoft is more than 50 straight line miles from training facility [5/22: “In domicile” clarification added. ^mecp jeff]
- For those who commute in by air, an additional $30 per day may be reimbursed for ground transportation to/from training facility
- Increased RT Home Study CBT to $150 and clarified provisions:
- Drill videos included
- Open-book exam (no time limit, removed from class)
- Training out of domicile
- ANC training restricted from out-of-base bid during May through August, due to lack of hotel availability (cruise season)
- Can trade into ANC training for May through August (no hotel provided)
- 1.5X pay for RQ 3 (Initial Training) outside of contractual hours
- Clarified current practice on positive space travel, voluntary training, etc.
- Incorporated addendum, LOAs, MOU
Section 36: Jumpseat and Pass Privileges (new)
- Able to list online for jumpseat earlier than one hour prior (on parity with pilots)
- Ability to see those listed for the jumpseat
- Codify jumpseat provisions (order of assignment)
- Codify pass provisions and non-rev priority
- Non-rev travel seniority based on company policy
- Current company policy is AS date of hire, company may change policy to AAG date of hire without contractual conflict
Section 37: Commuter Policy (new)
- Codified ability to commute on Other Airlines (OAL)
- Included provisions for verifying OAL commute if there is a commuting failure with the “two flight” provisions
- Registered air commuter protections improved:
- Cancellation due to weather, mechanical, company convenience (current)
- Significantly delayed – at least 30 minutes late (current)
- Standby list not processed, including jumpseat assignments (new)
- Weight and balance (new)
- Aircraft downgrade (new)
- If registered air commuter is displaced due to pilot commuter jumpseat super-priority, they are pay protected with no points assessed, in addition to being subject to recovery options
- Improved ground commuting failure timeline:
- Able to call up to 30 minutes prior to scheduled check in (previously 1 hour)
- Incorporated Addendum, Severe Weather Ground Commuting Operations SLOA:
- Defined “reasonable effort” to arrive as scheduled
- Able to call up to 30 minutes prior to scheduled check in (previously 1 hour)
LOA: Recurrent Training Hours
- Expanded training hours to improve Flight Attendant flexibility
- Currently 7am-5pm, would extend to 7pm
- Example: RT class scheduled from 10am-7pm
- 8hr daily maximum still applies
- Pay remains the same
- Currently 7am-5pm, would extend to 7pm
- Begins in 2024 if contract is ratified
- Minimum 50% of RT in each domicile would remain between 8am-5pm
- Either party can suspend LOA with 2 bid months of notice
LOA: Jumpseat Occupancy
- Outlines who may occupy a Flight Attendant jumpseat for the duration of the CBA
- Qualified AS Flight Attendants
- Authorized AS Inflight management personnel who are qualified Flight Attendants
- OE students and Flight Attendants in requalification status accompanied by a Check Flight Attendant
- Qualified QX Flight Attendants traveling for pleasure
- Authorized QX Inflight supervisory employees who are qualified Flight Attendants traveling for pleasure
- Qualified Other Airline (OAL) Flight Attendants, in the event the Company and the FAA authorize a reciprocal jumpseat agreement
Newly Started
21: Compensation
AFA proposed a multitude of improvements, in line with our Opening Proposal
LOA: Legacy Retiree Pass Privileges
Memorializes current retiree eligibility in the case of future changes, to maintain privileges with no negative impact on current Flight Attendants.
In Discussion
- 9: Junior Available and Premium Open Time
- 10.R-S: Scheduling (section broken into three parts for discussion)
- 11: Reserve
- 12: Exchange of Sequences
- 480/960 TFP Thresholds
Tabled Sections
When a section contains significant economic components, it may be tabled until the overall economic discussion toward the end of negotiations. When the Negotiating Committee and the Company are currently unable to agree on a section, it is tabled to revisit later. Details on currently tabled sections:
- 14: Vacations
- AFA is pushing to reclaim 6th week of vacation at 25 years of service with no minimum TFP requirement
Watch the Session 15 part 2 Recap Video
Listen to the Session 15 part 2 Recap Podcast
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