- Our strike vote is coming up, and it’s important to review the voting eligibility requirements and confirm your address to ensure you can cast your ballot.
- To be eligible to vote, you must be an Active Member in Good Standing.
- Voting documents will be mailed on January 3 to your home address on file with the company in PeopleSoft.
We’re gearing up for our upcoming strike vote and want to ensure you’re all set to participate. It’s important that you review the voting eligibility requirements and confirm your address to receive your voting credentials. We want to ensure everyone’s voice is heard loud and clear during this process. Please take a moment to review the details below so you can be confident in your ability to participate in our historic vote!
Key Dates
Date | Event |
Wednesday, January 3 | Voting Credentials Mailed |
Monday, January 8 | Voting Opens 9 AM PT/12 PM ET |
Tuesday, January 16 | Strike Vote Roadshows (Virtual) 9 AM-12 PM PT 1 PM-4 PM PT All sessions cover the same information |
Saturday, January 20 | |
Tuesday, February 13 | Voting Closes 12 PM PT/3 PM ET |
Your Voting Credentials/Ballot
Your voting documents will be sent to your home address (not mailing address) on file with the company in PeopleSoft. To make sure you receive everything on time, please double-check that your address is current and up-to-date in the AAG PeopleSoft Portal. This helps AFA International Membership Services keep your records accurate and updated.
Your Activation Code
You’ll receive voting documents and an activation code by USPS mail. This is a ONE-TIME use code that allows you to access the ballot. Previous activation codes or credentials cannot be used for subsequent ballots. AFA International Membership Services can issue new activation codes after voting opens.
Who Is Eligible To Vote?
To be eligible to vote on any ballot, you must be an Active Member in Good Standing.
An Active Member is a Flight Attendant who:
- Has completed an AFA Membership application, and
- Has completed their 4-month AFA Apprentice Membership
Active Members are flying and have a financial obligation for dues to AFA. Those who are current on their dues payments are considered to be in Good Standing.
New Flight Attendants
New Flight Attendants who are scheduled to become dues-paying AFA Members (at least four months of flying for Alaska) before the ballot closes will be able to vote during the entire period voting is open. Flight Attendants who have been here fewer than four months are not eligible to vote. We encourage these Flight Attendants to remain informed, ask questions, and participate in our Union. This is about the future of all Alaska Flight Attendants.
Leaves Of Absence
Paid Leaves
Members on paid leave (coordinating sick and/or vacation time) are considered active and eligible to vote if their dues account is current.
Unpaid Leaves
First 90 Days: Flight Attendants must pay dues for the first 90 days of an unpaid leave. They are still active and eligible to vote during this period as long as their dues account is current.
After 90 Days: After completing the 90-day leave commencing period (first 90 days) in which dues are owed, Flight Attendants are considered to be on leave and inactive by AFA; they have no further financial obligation to AFA until they return to the line. They are NOT ELIGIBLE TO VOTE unless they have chosen to “Leave and Remain Active.”
The AFA Constitution allows for a Member on an unpaid leave of absence from their airline to remain active with AFA by notifying AFA of their desire to stay active and continue to pay their dues each month. This member is eligible to vote as long as their dues account is current.
If you’re an Inactive Member and would like to be eligible to vote, contact the AFA Ballot Help Line at (844) 232-2228, extension 2, to complete the process to “leave and remain active.”
If You Receive A Statement From AFA International
A statement from AFA International indicates that a dues payment you owe has yet to be received. If you receive an invoice for dues from AFA International, it’s essential to take action as soon as possible to ensure you remain in good standing as a Member.
Dues are owed each month you are active or the first three months of an unpaid leave of absence. You’ll be invoiced if your dues cannot be fully deducted each month. The deductions that occur from the 20th of the month paycheck each month apply to that month. For example, if you receive an invoice for unpaid dues from May, your dues were not deducted from your May 20 paycheck.
The payroll department cannot deduct past-due balances, and the amount owed must be paid directly to AFA. Payments can be made online through the AFA dues payment site. AFA International Membership Services offers Flight Attendants with past-due accounts the ability to set up a payment plan to keep them in good standing while making payments. Please contact the AFA Membership Services Department to set up a promissory agreement.
Questions or Need Help?
If you have any questions about your membership or dues account status, contact AFA International Membership Services using this link. You can also reach out to your Local Membership Committee for assistance.
Note: AFA International Membership Services is closed the week of Tuesday, December 26 and will reopen on Tuesday, January 2, 2024.